Timber Decking Association

Top deck

The Timber Decking Association has announced the publication of a new code of practice for the design and construction of raised timber decks.

Clad of the titans

Can two of the timber industry's stalwart crusaders protect its rise as a building shield?

Softwoods Play Hardball

Timber decking became an object of desire when it was pioneered by Groundforce alongside Charlie Dimmock, but the industry is still in its early stages. Richard Stirling talks to American Softwoods European Director Eddie Pearce about the potential for designers to take timber outdoors.

Deciding on Decking: Making Outdoor Wood Work Best

Wooden decks are an ideal way to blur the boundary the interior and exterior areas of a building. Steve Young, Timber Decking Association operations director, takes a look at choosing and using wood for outdoors use.

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